3 Strategies to manage your blood sugar this Holiday Season

The holiday season always reminds me of overeating great home cooked meals. I think of pies, mashed and cheesy potatoes, freshly baked rolls, homemade stuffing, roasts, and don't forget sweets of every kind. But how do you manage your blood sugar without missing out on the holiday fun? Check out blood sugar management roadmap:


1. Eat what you want to eat...crazy right? It is true you can eat all of your favorite foods, even the ones loaded with sugar. Okay, so it is not quite that simple. The book Diabetes Comfort Food Diet indicates you can intake about 35 percent of our daily sugar without negatively impacting our blood sugar management. So what does that mean for us? That means we need to be count our carb grams and spread out our favorite sweets throughout the day.

2. Holidays are full of excitement, fun, and chaos which makes it more critical than ever to take a minute and relax. Taking five minutes to take a few breaths, meditate or ponder your holiday experiences can separate the excitement and fun from the experience of eating.

3. Don't forget to have fun and enjoy this Holiday season. If your blood sugar is higher than you like, take a minute to relax, grab a glass of water and go for a walk if you feel up to it.

From all of us at DailyMusts we hope you enjoy this Holiday Season!