8 Easy Steps to Create Healthier Habits

Adopt a slower eating pace, ensuring you sit and thoroughly chew your food. Recognize that it takes approximately 20-25 minutes for your brain to register fullness. Eating mindfully and chewing initiates the digestive process.

  1. Embrace a balanced approach to nutrition by following the 50/50 rule for animal protein and plant-based food. Aim for a ratio of 50% meat to 50% veggies, fruits, nuts, and seeds, and gradually shift towards an 80/20 ratio. The healthiest individuals in Blue Zones, consuming meat only 2-3 times a month, exemplify this approach.

  2. Enhance your overall health and weight management by increasing your vegetable, fruit, nuts, and seeds intake.

  3. Kickstart your day with a superfood smoothie: Utilize unfiltered, unsweetened apple juice (containing only apples) and add parsley, celery, cucumber, spinach, kale, chia seeds, coconut oil, turmeric powder, ginger, and any other desired superfoods.

  4. Understand that fat, particularly healthy fats, does not contribute to weight gain; sugar does. Incorporate avocados, nuts, seeds, fatty fish, coconut oil, and grass-fed animal products, limiting it to one healthy fat source per meal.

  5. Prepare and store cut-up veggies in glass containers for easy inclusion in all your meals.

  6. Opt for snacks like berries, nuts, seeds, nut butter, and fruits throughout the day.

  7. Consume 12 ounces of water 10 minutes before each meal to expedite the sensation of fullness, reducing the typical time frame from 20-25 minutes to 10 minutes.

Maintain a Balanced Approach:

Avoid becoming overly fixated on dietary changes. Moderation is key. Do not self-punish for occasional indulgences; allow your taste buds to adapt gradually. As your palate simplifies, cravings will naturally evolve. Take a measured and stress-free approach to avoid disrupting your overall health.

Remember, small and gradual changes lead to significant victories. Implement one suggestion at a time, experimenting with each for a few weeks before incorporating additional changes.

Acknowledge the Importance of Exercise:

While emphasizing the significance of nutrition, recognize that exercise remains crucial for optimal health. Exercise yields numerous benefits and plays a vital role in reversing chronic diseases. Prioritize food as a primary tool, recognizing its role as a catalyst. As your dietary habits improve, energy levels increase, promoting more physical activity, reducing stress, improving sleep, fostering happiness, and boosting confidence. This holistic cascade contributes to an overall sense of well-being.