Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise not only improves heart, blood circulation and bone health while reducing your risk for heart disease but can help your body enhance its use of insulin.



If you are already very active, we recommend exercising 30 minutes a day 3-5 days a week.

If you are just getting started, then we usually say build up to the 30 minutes a day. Start with about 5 to 10 minutes of exercise for nearly a month and then increase to 15 to 20 minutes for a few weeks later you should be able to hit 30 minutes of exercise in no time. It is inspiring to see your fitness levels improve over time.

When do I work out?

Finding time to workout can be hard if you have a busy schedule. If you don't have time to exercise for a 30 minute period, then break up the workout into two 15 minutes periods. Also, think about taking a 5 to 10-minute walk after each meal to meet the 30-minute recommendation.

What workouts can I do?

We have put together a quick Aerobic exercise list for you:

·         Walking

·         Dancing

·         Swimming or water aerobics

·         Jogging/Running

·         Hiking

·         Rowing

·         Stationary Bike