Choosing the Right Insulin Pump

Having an insulin pump makes life with type 1 diabetesa little easier. However, if you’ve ever dealt with purchasing one of these machines on your own, you’re probably already aware that the sheer number of available options can make the process an extremely stressful one. That’s why learning which features to compare and keep an eye out for while making your selection is the key. By breaking down the different models into different categories and assessing the situation in more specific terms, comparing insulin pumps, and choosing the right one for your individual needs can be easier than ever before. Here are some of the key issues the DailyMusts Team suggests you consider:



Because your insulin pump is going to play a huge part in your everyday life, the primary thing you need to consider is how the machine functions. While any pump can get you the insulin you need, they all come with different software advantages, materials, and attachments that could impact how easy it is to use your device. In order to find your perfect match, keep an eye out for certain details, such as:

  • Software availability. Wi-Fi connectivity and software updates allow you to keep your device moving as smoothly and reliably as possible, while introducing easy-to-use features. However, if you’re not tech-savvy, these advanced features might not be right for you.

  • The reservoir size. This, of course, is one of the most important features, as it effects how much insulin you can carry with you. Before choosing your pump, you should know how much it should be able to carry and how much you need.

  • Power source. Some pumps are charged with batteries, while others are rechargeable. It’s up to you to decide which option would be the most convenient for your lifestyle.

  • Alerts. Whether it’s a low battery or time to refill your reservoir, pumps come with various alert systems, ranging from personalized audio notifications to blinking LED lights. Decide which would be the most effective for you.


While it might not be as crucial a factor as functionality, you should consider the appearance of your pump as well. After all, you’ll be wearing it as an accessory with most of your wardrobe. To find your best match, think about:

  • Color. Whether you want something bright and bold or mellow and neutral, there are plenty of options out there.

  • Size. There are pumps of all shapes and sizes out there. Choose the best one for your needs.

  • Screens. Screens add a bit of functionality to your pump, but can also cause it to be larger. Therefore, this is a feature to consider closely.

Taking each of these aspects into account can help you select the right insulin pump for you, so you can deal with your type 1 diabetes easier than before.