Pain Management: A Review

Pain is an inevitable, unpleasant part of life. However, if you suffer from pain on a daily basis and find it hindering your normal routine, it may be time to try to remedy the problem. Consider the following solutions to your pain that may help get you back to the activities you love.


Wearing a brace, particularly for vigorous activity, is a great idea. Braces offer additional support and stabilization of the hurting body part. A brace can protect the afflicted area especially in transitional movements (bending, pushing, pulling, etc), keeping unnecessary stress from further hurting the area. People who work in fields with risk of repetitive motion injuries in particular can benefit from brace use. However, be careful with this remedy: many specialists recommend using a brace sparingly, and some suggest wearing one for no longer than fifteen to twenty minutes at a time. The concern is that, while a brace does offer relief in the moment, constant use can actually weaken the pained area, which might cause even more pain in the long run.


Exercise can be a great way to manage pain. If you suffer from back pain, strengthening your abdominal muscles can help relieve tension in your back. Having weak abdominal muscles actually may place an extra burden on your back and intensify your pain. If the discomfort is located in your joints, many doctors recommend light exercise to strengthen the muscles surrounding the joint. In any case, low-impact exercise, such as swimming or using an elliptical, is the best option, as more strenuous exercise may exacerbating pain. If physical activity caused the pain in the first place, avoid participating in that particular exercise again, and remember to stretch prior to exercising to avoid causing additional injury.


Unfortunately, many people find that no relief from the above remedies and must resort to medication to alleviate body pain. Some find that over-the-counter pills (such as ibuprofen or aspirin) help, while others suffer pain so severe they need stronger medication. In those instances, seeing a doctor immediately is the best option. Depending on the diagnosis and severity of your pain, doctors and pain specialists may prescribe one of many possible medications, from opioid pills (such as oxycodone or codeine, which focus on controlling pain) to pills that may help fix the underlying issue by repairing bone or nerve damage.

Chronic pain can affect everything from your outdoor activities to your emotional and mental state. If you’re tired of scheduling your life around your pain, consider using one of these options to alleviate your discomfort. Braces, exercise, and medication are all great methods that may help you manage your pain and reclaim your life.