Non Hormonal Birth Control

Enovid or "The pill" was approved by the FDA in 1960 and become the first hormonal contraceptive. The initial cost for the Pill was $10 in 1960 which is equivalent to about $80 today, despite the cost nearly 2.3 million women sought contraceptive prescriptions in the first 3 years. This breakthrough in women's reproductive rights is currently the commonly used hormonal contraceptive in the US

If hormonal contraceptive is effective and popular why would you consider non-hormonal birth control? There are a few associated side effects and risks with Hormonal birth control, it is worth note here that many studies don't agree that hormonal contraceptives lead to an increase of the following side effects and issues.

·   Increased rate of breast cancer, blood clots, and stroke.

·   Changes to mood, decreased sexual desire and risk of sexual pain problems. 

Many of these effects have led some people to seek alternative forms of birth control.

Types of non-hormonal birth control

For a list of all birth control options:|

1.   Barrier methods

2.   Outercourse

3.   Withdrawal

4.   Fertility Awareness Methods / natural family planning

5.   Copper IUDs (intrauterine devices)

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